Hapa Market and Grill
1720 Palolo Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816
Experience the best of Hawaii's locally-sourced meats and produce. Open Monday thru Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00PM

Come into our Market and enjoy a meal or coffee and tea in our beautiful Cafe.
(808) 940-9846
Check out our selection of wild venison and other local meats and snacks that showcase the unique flavors of Hawaii's terroir.
Grand Opening Celebration, Saturday August 23, 2024
We rely on your support
Hapa Market is a nonprofit with a 3-fold mission:
Accelerate the shift to regenerative agriculture
Give our local farmers fair wages they deserve
Equitably provide affordable & nutritious foods to Hawaii residents regardless of income bracket. This is why we strategically placed our market in Palolo Valley - one of Oahu’s designated food deserts. Approximately 370,000 residents of Hawai‘i, including 127,000 children, live in food deserts.
We wouldn’t be here without our community’s support. We thank you. Our farmers thank you. Our land thanks you.
Make a donation:
Gift cards (no expiration): click here SQUARE GIFT CARD
Other ways to support: shop with us, enjoy a meal at our Saturday cook-outs, refer friends!

This innovative platform has been designed in collaboration with farmers, hunters, fishers, and ranchers to disrupt and democratize the food supply chain. This platform enables DIRECT purchasing from farmers and producers - bypassing brokers and merchandisers (who charge 30-45% margins) and retailers (who add 35-55% margins). This will channel far greater profits and resources to farmers while simultaneously providing more affordable access to all Hawaii communities. Only through these means can we accelerate the shift to regenerative agriculture on large scales and make a meaningful impact in the reversal of climate change.
Hapa Market is proud to announce our collaboration as 'Ohi 'Ohi’s central food hub.
Click here to learn more about 'Ohi 'Ohi: